Variable names in the second data file that duplicate variable names in the active dataset are excluded by default because Add Variables assumes that these variables contain duplicate information. If one or more key variables are used to match cases, the two datasets must be sorted by ascending order of the key variable(s). If you select multiple sorting variables, cases are sorted by values of each variable within categories of the prior variable on the Sort list. You can also sort cases by right clicking on a variable in the Data view and selecting Sort Ascending The data file is sorted based on the values of the sorting variables. To Sort Cases go to Data> Sort Cases>Select one or more sorting variables. 5Ħ Note: Cases must be sorted in the same order in both datasets. For example, you might want to merge a data file that contains pre-test results with one that contains post-test results. Add Variables merges the active dataset with another open dataset or external SPSS Statistics data file that contains the same cases (rows) but different variables (columns).
To Merge Files go to Data>Merge Files > Select Add Cases or Add Variables Tip: Cases are the data inside of variables Add Cases merges the active dataset with a second dataset or external SPSS Statistics data file that contains the same variables (columns) but different cases (rows). Merge the active dataset with another open dataset or SPSS Statistics data file containing the same cases but different variables. You can: Merge the active dataset with another open dataset or SPSS Statistics data file containing the same variables but different cases. Match merging data files You can merge data from two files in two different ways. To turn off the selection, go to Data > Select cases. If you decide to do this, make sure to Save As your file in case you need to go back to the old version. 1ĥ Tip: This tool can be used to remove cases from your dataset, but Selecting Delete unselected cases in the output section of the Select Cases window. Then, enter the formula lifeexpf *.5 + lifeexpm*.5 in the numeric expression box. Enter life_expect for the target variable. Compute Variable Let s create a variable for average overall life expectancy. Recode allows you to create discrete variables (nominal or ordinal) from either continuous or other discrete variables. Compute allows you to arithmetically combine or alter variables and place the resulting value under a new variable name. Transforming Variables There are two basic ways to transform variables compute and recode. For this Tutorial we will be using the World95.sav file. Use SPSS to export data to other programs.
#Create dummy variables spss version 25 how to#
How to look only at specific parts of your data and select cases How to merge two data files together to add variables or cases to your dataset. Use the Recode into Different Variable tool to create a dummy variable.
x Learning Objectives In this tutorial you will learn how to Compute new Variables using the Compute Variable tool. 1 SPSS Data Management Tutorial Social Science Research Lab American University, Washington, D.C.